They’re here. So, it’s been almost a month since we put out our first hummingbird feeder but now they’re here. My husband has seen one every day this week so far except today, but it’s still early in the day. I’ve only seen two and one was just a quick glance. We think we’re seeing two different hummingbirds, one small female and one larger female rubythroat.
This picture’s not that good but it’s one of our first visitors. Hopefully they’ll continue to come back all season so we’ll have plenty to post about. Last weekend we purchased a few new plants. More about them later.
Cleaned and filled feeders for the first time this year (weekending 5/26/2010), had several sights, 1 male and 1 female ruby throat.
Had several sights again the weekending 6/20/2010. Hope to get the next sighting on viedo. I have 7 feeders on site(Mio,Michigan), adding three more.
Wow Liz, 7 hummingbird feeders. My husband says taking care of two feeders every few days is a lot. We’ve been extremely fortunate this year so far. We have at the least 2 or 3 females coming to visit several times a day and sometimes 1 male but we don’t see him as often. All of ours are rubythroat hummingbirds since we live on the east coast. We’ve never seen any other type.
It is a lot of work purplebear, but when you enjoy the humming birds as much as I do, it is worth it. I must admit, my neighbor helps with the care and cleaning of the feeders, unfortunately I don’t live in Mio all year round. I plan on adding three more feeders tomorrow,I hope to have pics or a viedo to publish in my next blog.