Our final hummingbird sighting for this season was around October 4th or 5th. That’s about 2 weeks later than most years for us. Our first sighting for 2020 this year may have been a little later than normal so maybe that’s why they left a little bit later. Below are a few hummingbird photos we took sometime in September.

Showing off his new rubies
This first picture looks like a juvenile male ruby-throated hummingbird showing off his first new rubies while perched on top of our salvia amistad.

Suspended in mid-air
This photo captured a hummingbird in mid-air. I think he may be trying to decide which he should visit first, the feeder or visit our flowers.

Ruby-throated hummingbird and the cardinal climber vine
This photo shows a ruby-throated hummingbird flying towards our cardinal climber vine.